
Inspired by the need to translate public health research and best practices to effective alcohol policy, Georgia Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) formed in January 2021 to represent such interest. GAPA registered as a nonprofit in the State of Georgia in November 2021.


Establishment of a statewide alcohol policy framework that balances business interests, public health, personal liberties, and social equity, and provides a statewide process to evaluate data, scientific research, and best practices, and to consider changes to alcohol policy.


Positively influence State of Georgia and local law around alcohol policy, with the primary goal of reducing alcohol-related harms in Georgia due to excessive drinking.

How do we do this?

We do this by tracking new alcohol-related bills in Georgia, researching trends and best practices in other states, understanding Georgia alcohol law, building the policy capacity of GAPA members and like-minded stakeholders, leveraging grassroots advocacy, supporting local alcohol policy efforts, and promoting effective policy opportunities to the Georgia General Assembly and public health advocates.

Our leadership team: